Find your Path to Calm and Clarity

Hi, I’m Katherine

I am a health practitioner for Psychotherapy licensed in Germany. I am dedicated to supporting people who...

  • are currently experiencing a crisis

  • want support working through and integrating traumatic experiences

  • experience constant overwhelm, procrastination, sleep problems, difficulty in relationships, and hyper-vigilance

  • have been adversely affected by the last few years of pandemic lock-down and isolation

  • want to feel more safe and at home in their own skin

  • want to feel more confident, and able to live the life YOU want to live, and less as if you are living the life others want for you

I am an American ex-pat who has been living in Germany for the last 13 years. I arrived in Berlin as a professional dancer, and my path led me out of the Art Scene and into working with people. I have undergone years of clinical training in somatic (body-based) psychotherapy, where I gained tools and insights not only from learning various psychotherapeutic models, but also through my own personal work and healing.

How I work

My guiding principle is that we all have a unique path to walk in this life. There is in each of us a unique and profound essence, that wants to be felt, seen, heard, and lived. It is my aim as a therapist to help you to (re)connect to your essence, and to live life from that place, finding healthier ways of relating to yourself and your environment, stepping into your power and agency, and strengthening your capacity to live life with an open heart.

My approach is tailored to meet you where you are.

Together we explore internal obstacles that cause suffering in your life and get in the way of what you’re most wanting for yourself.

We focus on relational experiences in the present moment.

In so doing, we open the possibility to heal past wounds, and to cultivate a profound connection with yourself.

This deep connection with Self is our birthright as humans, and perhaps one of life’s greatest gifts.

Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world. All things break. And all things can be mended. Not with time, as they say, but with intention.
So go. Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally. The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is you.
— L.R. Knost