About Katherine

I am an alternative practitioner of Psychotherapy, licensed in Germany ("Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie"), and I provide therapy and coaching online both locally and internationally as regulations permit.

Originally from Western New York, I've been living, working and studying in Germany since 2012 and speak German fluently.

I began my path towards becoming a practitioner of psychotherapy as a professional dancer in Germany. I earned both my BA and MA degrees in Dance, and my deep engagement with the body quickly expanded to encompass the lived experience of being a body: the interconnectedness of body, mind and psyche. I created a federally-funded research project and workshop series focusing on the body as a container for our (collective) inner stories. In the body-oriented psychotherapy training I pursued afterward, I learned how to deeply engage with those stories, and to facilitate deep transformation in the process.    

The psychotherapy modalities I use are both cognitive and body-oriented. Meaning, in our work together, your body is just as important as your mind. We work both “bottom up” (feeling and experiencing) and “top down” (thinking and understanding). The effectiveness of this body-mind orientation is backed up by cutting-edge research in interpersonal neurobiology and attachment psychology.

I view my role as a fellow traveller on your unique life path, equipped to help you reclaim what was lost, clear obstacles, and rediscover your direction.

Healing paths are as unique as the individuals walking them. If you are curious about working together, I warmly invite you to contact me.

Qualifications and Experience

State Certified Alternative Practitioner of Psychotherapy (Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie) (2024) 

Training and Exam Preparation: Alternative Practitioner of Psychotherapy (Institute Christoph Mahr and with Dr. Annegret Haupt, 2020-2024)

Training in the Neuro-Affective Relational Model (NARM) (Basics Training and NARM Therapist Training, 2021 - 2023)

NARM Therapist Certificate (2023): I received clinical training in how to use NARM to treat C-PTSD, including supervision, active coaching and case consultation. 

Co-Teaching Assistant at the Complex Trauma Training Center (2023-2024): I am an assistant trainer in a NARM clinical training for licensed mental health professionals. Through this role I have the opportunity to deepen my own NARM learning and also to receive continued mentorship and guidance from faculty in my own clinical work in the form of supervision, active coaching and case consultation. 

3 Years Training in Body Psychotherapy (Core Energetics) at the Netherlands Institute of Core Energetics (2021-2024): This is a training in which I also receive ongoing supervision and continue with my own personal work, both in individual and group contexts. 

Holistic Embodiment for Authentic Leadership (HEAL) Certificate with Body-Psychotherapists Sophie De Lacaze and Nuno Salema (2020-2021): This was a training for professionals and non-professionals alike, focusing on learning and applying Willhelm Reich's characterology and his student John Pierrakos's psycho-spiritual approach Core Energetics to facilitate personal and professional growth. 

B.A. Oberlin College (Magna cum Lauda), M.A., University of Arts Berlin

Since 2022 Private Practice in Berlin, in Heppenheim, and Online