Work with Me

I offer one-on-one sessions, locally and internationally, in person in Heppenheim, Germany, and online.

Though I incorporate different modalities in my work, I mostly use the NARM approach. NARM, or the Neuro-Affective Relational Model, is an integrative, somatic, and heartfelt approach that addresses not just your symptoms, but the underlying dynamics that fuel them. In my experience, it is an approach that supports deep and lasting transformation.

Sessions begin with an exploration of what you most want for yourself out of our time together. This "heart's desire" serves as our orientation throughout the session. 

Our collaborative work offers the opportunity to explore the depth of your unique experience — gently, in your own time, and in a way that supports you on your path towards what it is you most want for yourself.


My guiding principle is that we all have a unique path to walk in this life — each of us has a unique purpose. And one purpose we all share is to reconnect to our heart, to our deepest longings, and live from that place.  

Throughout life, each of us forfeits, forgets, or disconnects from parts of our essential being; We all become disconnected from our hearts in some way. These adaptations were brilliant solutions to problems we faced during childhood. However, they can impact our adult lives in ways that no longer serve us, especially if we remain unconscious of them.

What is a pattern in your life that hinders your ability to be fully present with yourself and others? How would things change for the better if you managed to alter this pattern?

…If you are curious about working together, I warmly invite you to contact me. I would be happy to schedule a complimentary call with you to explore if we are a good fit.

The will of the heart has to dominate the work... It humanises us. It’s the center of the creation of the universe, because the universe cannot be created from hate. It is created form love.
— John Peirakos